By Kevin Perez
Love for sport has molded individuals and helped put them on the path to success. A primitive example of a student expressing the passion for sports is Micheal WIlliams. Williams is a current student at Pace High school and the avid leader for the Men's Varsity Soccer team. The desire to play games has lead to many relationships, life skills, leadership, but also the improvement in the classroom. On our first athletes profile, we interviewd Micheal to get a personal perspective on how students use sports to better their education. Here is what he had to say to the Big Three.
KP: How do you think soccer impacts your life as a student?
Micheal: Soccer has a positive impact on my education. From what ive learned over the past years, it taught me that i have to apply myself in my work to do work
KP: What life skills does soccer teach you?
Micheal: Soccer teaches you many life skills such as communicating with people and developing relationships with people you work with. most importantly, it teaches you how to step up the role of being a leader.
KP: Considering that you are a senior and this is your last year, what are you looking forward to as you get further into the season.
Micheal: Currently the season is looking much better compared to last year. We are currently 1 and 2 but the team will be going on a good winning streak due to us knowing how to play as one rather than individuals.I am deffinetly looking foward to bringing a first place trophy back to Pace Highscool when the seaoson is over.I am also working on getting the most assist in the league this season.